
Monday, December 27, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holiday busy-ness

Helloooooo you!

Right now, my little girl is sick! Can you believe it...3 days before Christmas! But we are hopeful she will be her cheery self in No time! You hear me Santa?

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Hello you...It's Sunday Evening and I'm catching up on my DVR'd Nate shows!!! I'm clogging up all the memory space on my DVR since I'm so behind. Oh well. I love that I don't have to watch commercials.

This weekend we had a holiday party at a friends house, Hanukkah dinner at the in-laws(yes, belated), and hours worth of Xmas shopping. I'm still not quite finished with the I'm actually doing a little searching online too.

Yesterday, I was also framing some posters and art work for the family room, which someone else calls 'the man cave'! What I really love about these pieces above are that 'the mister' drew them! (not the posters obviously) These inks were done ages ago. And he no longer attempts to do any creative things anymore. I just can't believe that he thinks he can't do it anymore. I think if you had that within you once it doesn't go away. You might be a little rusty but it's still there!!! You can probably imagine how shocked I was when he first showed me these many years ago. So I love having them hanging up in our home.
The 'little girl' and I were just sitting in bed sketching some girls on paper. She was showing me how to do it! We love having a little time together before bedtime.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Saturday's are my fav

Saturday morning- Me, posing with my new bday present......having my pic taken by my personal photographer... she is 7 1/2 years old and totally awesome ; ) What's with the crazy outfit?! I have no idea...yeah I do that sometimes.

Did I tell you I love my present? Oh, I did...Ok, carry on.

Friday, December 03, 2010

Happy Friday!

I really want to make jewelry out of playdoh with my daughter! She would totally love this!
Such a great idea. And she could make some for her friends as gifts.
So what's goin on this weekend? Hopefully we will be getting some Xmas shopping done and decorating and a little bit of nothing thrown in!
I might pop in this weekend..........See you!

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Thursday happenings...

Well, this really happened over the weekend. This was my first effort at doing anything for the holidays. I have not shopped for a single teensy weensy present yet. BUT I have decorated Xmas balls with personalized names for family and friends! And being that this happened before Dec 1st is quite a miracle in itself. I'm that girl who sends out cards between xmas and before the 1st of January wishing you a Happy New Year. Yup. I'm totally fine with it.

These were so much fun to make, I could of kept going forever! If you trying to find your name on an ornament...stop! And you better act suprised when I give you one!
So last night was a day that was extremely windy and raining throughout the day around here. When I got home from work, I hurried up the porch steps because I forgot my umbrella. I look up to grab the mail from the mailbox and for a quick second I was so excited to see my Anthropologie box. Yayyyyyyy! The one I've been expecting with my birthday present inside that has been on back order for 2 MONTHS. My very next reaction was freaking out when I realize Mr. Delivery man left MY ANTHRO BOX...IN THE RAIN!!!! YES, soaking wet, box. Couldn't you atleast have stuck it inside the screen door! I was afraid to open it... praying that my bag would be inside a plastic bag, sealed. It has to be, right?

Well it was! Inside a plastic bag, nice and dry. Wrapped in WET tissue paper and a soaking wet box...but it WAS DRY. And I was happy and my bag is perfect!!!! I will take some photos this weekend.. Now I have to go pay attention to 'Grey's Anatomy'...apparently I can't multitask!!!!