
Friday, November 10, 2006

November 10, 2006- All or nothing?

OK so here it goes....
Have you ever wanted to start a project, pursue a dream, etc but sort of held off because you feel you can't possibly officially start or put yourself out there until every last detail is thought through, figured out, business plan complete, etc. Well that's me with so many ideas, directions to go in, plans in progress, products to create.
Well I was doing a little reading lately on a blog which I'll talk about later on but the gist of the message was about how we keep putting things off and how we forget that TOMORROW IS PROMISED TO NO ONE! Start today, so what if you don't have the fool-proof plan worked out yet! Who does? Not everyone. Who says it has to be all or nothing? I don't believe it does anymore.
So though this blog was created almost a year ago, today I open it up and start to blog.
About what: (like I said, its not all figured out yet, but many things)
  • pursueing a creative endeavor, and the process of finding out what it is you love to do
  • art; design-particularly home design which I am passionate about, and that is the area I would like to create products for
  • my ideal scenario of getting into a more creative field
  • a placeholder for all the blogs who have inspired me over this past year with their creativity, pursuit of their dreams and willingness to share
  • posts about shopping or great finds for the home, maybe fashion too
  • supporting indie artists
  • photos that inspire me
  • everyday tidbits of life
PS... some of you may know me from my little blog which I started just as a creative outlet, where I oogle over all that is Anthropologie. To me, this store just inspired my creativity, at a time when I wasn't surrounded by any. So I just love to visit their stores and see their unique & beautiful displays and of course window shop online as well.

Anyway......... off I go.

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