
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Dining Room- Before and In Progress

Hi there.... can you believe August is almost over? I'm trying to savor these last 2 weeks.

So let's take a peek at my Dining room progress... I say that because it's definitely not finished yet.

Here's the BEFORE pic:

(uhh..previous owner's decor)

before -empty room

LIVING ROOM- In progress

(Forgive my junk on the left..I wanted to show the wall we took out. These photos were originally taken to show my sis : ) Eventually there will be a kitchen island on the day.
It's very neutral right now... those curtains might have to be changed out for some COLOR. I just used what I had for now..... So far I love it!

1 comment:

  1. So do I....yay! I think I missed the curtains in the photo you sent me. I love it. Taking that wall out was genius.
