
Monday, October 24, 2011

Window Monsters...

I have never decorated for Halloween. Not sure why, just never really got into it. Of course, with an 8 year old who has opinions and a voice of her own now. I have to hear 'why don't we do this'...or 'we need to put something up..come on MOM'! So I sort of gave in...and we tried some of these WINDOW MONSTERS!!! I used a combination of black construction paper and the black contact paper..which I recommend, since it sticks and its removable.
I love how you can see them from the inside during the daylight.. and then at night when you close the shade and have the light on, everyone can see them OUTSIDE.
I think I found my new way to decorate for Halloween!!!


  1. Anonymous10:42 PM

    That's a great idea! I love the little monsters, so adorable!

    Camila Faria

  2. I can't believe I haven't tried this yet. Im not an artist, your monsters are amazing! I must run out and get me some black contact paper for my little really my 5 kids can make them and put them in their windows for Halloween.

    Thanks for sharing and inspiring!

    Lucky 7 Design
