
Monday, December 12, 2011

So you thought you didn't like the color BLUE?

Well think again!!!!
After taking a look at this gorgeous indigo filled image from the recent West Elm catalog, I might be swayed. Just look at that Elton Settee!

Friday, December 09, 2011

Leaning Mirror

You guys... I have to tell you where I found this awesome deal for my LEANING Mirror.
HOME freaking DEPOT. Weird right?
I was walking through HOME DEPOT picking up a
canvas drop cloth and electrical tape. Boring, right. When I walk past this
stack of beautiful black LEANING MIRRORS for $99. They were huge 33" x
79". So I stop and stare at them for about 5 minutes. Try to pick one
up..heavy as @#$%. I stand there another 5 minutes hoping someone will come
by to help me. I'm also thinking I have my car stuffed with Donations that I
was supposed to drop off. (insert Swear word here!) How can I possibly fit it?
But I didn't care...
I got the guy to get me a wheely cart and brought that baby home. (I also recruited a
strong man in the parking lot to assist helpless weak lady : ) Thank you
stranger man.

Oh wait..that's not the best part. So a week later
I am back in Home depot... and I see my Mirror is NOW only $60. Holy crap.
I happen to have my receipt and yes, they gave me
my $40 credit.

It's a great deal for a mirror this size and can i
tell you... I think this mirror is a little SLIMMING.(ie. makes you look thinner) I'm not kidding, extra perk. seems this is an In-store deal only. So hop to it.

Dear Santa

All I want for Christmas is a BRAVURA bag!

Have you seen these gorgeous bags before?

Visit Karen Burke and her lovely shop on ETSY
I will take one of these beauties over a Coach bag anyday.

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Bracelet love

This bracelet/cuff was a gift from one of my friends for my Bday. It's hard to see in this pic, but it's actually 3 rows of hearts.

For my Style files....

I know I've been living under a rock apparently because these blogs are only new to me!!!!
But that's ok. I'm adding these 2 ladies to my list of Style blogs I love!!!
First is the stunning Jessie...who I am convinced can pretty much wear anything and look amazing. I know she will try to deny it. : ) And she just made the move to Jersey from the midwest. She is now a Hoboken girl and I'm pretty sure she will love it!!!

Next, on my favs list, is Beth from BJones Style. I've been catching up on the archives. I love her hair tutorials. So fun. I know, better late than never.
So If you are like me and one of the few who isn't already following these lovely ladies...go now, get some style inspiration. Your welcome.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Let's catch up shall we

This post is delivered by SNAIL MAIL....which is why it took sooo long. OK not really. But I have been making cute snails!!!
So let's try and catch up here.....
**Loving the job.... I have to document that because I don't think I've ever said that before. My contract ends in Jan...but I'm hoping it will be extended.
* I think I have a billion photos on my phone of little projects I did here and there..but the photos aren't perfect. So then I don't post. You know how that goes, right???
You still want to see..OK ...this was the inspiration photo... the PomPoms below (though I love the Pallet bed too) here's my version of the Pom Poms..(you will ignore the junk on dresser, right?) this is in my little girls battling the mess is the norm around here.
Did you know that Anthropologie catalogs make sweet little bird houses? Yup, they do.

This started out as a plain white shade which I covered in burlap, added some bits of fabric and ribbon. There's no light...but I just hung a string of butterfly lights she had inside and it's perfect for the playroom.

I don't know if I can ever go back to getting dressed up for work. Please, not any time soon.
Next post, maybe I'll share some office photos and a tiny project for that window. Let's break the No.1 rule of blogging and share our imperfect photos ...what the hell, right?