
Friday, December 09, 2011

Leaning Mirror

You guys... I have to tell you where I found this awesome deal for my LEANING Mirror.
HOME freaking DEPOT. Weird right?
I was walking through HOME DEPOT picking up a
canvas drop cloth and electrical tape. Boring, right. When I walk past this
stack of beautiful black LEANING MIRRORS for $99. They were huge 33" x
79". So I stop and stare at them for about 5 minutes. Try to pick one
up..heavy as @#$%. I stand there another 5 minutes hoping someone will come
by to help me. I'm also thinking I have my car stuffed with Donations that I
was supposed to drop off. (insert Swear word here!) How can I possibly fit it?
But I didn't care...
I got the guy to get me a wheely cart and brought that baby home. (I also recruited a
strong man in the parking lot to assist helpless weak lady : ) Thank you
stranger man.

Oh wait..that's not the best part. So a week later
I am back in Home depot... and I see my Mirror is NOW only $60. Holy crap.
I happen to have my receipt and yes, they gave me
my $40 credit.

It's a great deal for a mirror this size and can i
tell you... I think this mirror is a little SLIMMING.(ie. makes you look thinner) I'm not kidding, extra perk. seems this is an In-store deal only. So hop to it.


  1. How cool is that mirror! Wish I had somewhere to put one like that, always wanted one to lean against a wall. Slimming, to boot, you cannot beat that! Congrats on the purchase and the deal.

  2. Now there are several distinct kinds and patterns of mirrors that you may extremely have fun making an effort to add them into your theme. Leaner mirrors are an effortless way to make a place seem bigger than it truly is. This basic highlight could ultimately allow your space go from regular to incredible.
