You've come and gone so quickly and I'm ok with that. December is always such a full month isn't it?
There was a craft show..which is where I left off oh so long ago...

A wonderful visit to NYC for my niece Gabriella's Cast Screening of Doubt.
So much fun!!!

The writer 'John Patrick Shanley' was there.
I have a picture somewhere. And we had to stroll by the wonderfully decorated Macy's windows

Making Marzipan snowmen to bring to while visiting for the Holidays.
Attending Holiday dinners.

And kids Bday parties, cheerleading dinners....

shopping for Christmas and Hannukah gifts......... here's mine : ) J.Crew Guava metallic tote.... yum 
And there were about 4 other Birthdays, and we could go on and on. But I'm glad it's coming to an end and so looking forward to a NEWYEAR!!!!! Of course, my ONE BIG wish is for a new job!!!! So let's hope 2009 brings it!!!!