You guys... I have to tell you where I found this awesome deal for my
LEANING Mirror.HOME freaking DEPOT. Weird right?
I was walking through
HOME DEPOT picking up a
canvas drop cloth and electrical tape. Boring, right. When I walk past this
stack of beautiful black LEANING MIRRORS for $99. They were huge 33" x
79". So I stop and stare at them for about 5 minutes. Try to pick one
up..heavy as @#$%. I stand there another 5 minutes hoping someone will come
by to help me. I'm also thinking I have my car stuffed with Donations that I
was supposed to drop off. (insert Swear word here!) How can I possibly fit it?
But I didn't care...
I got the guy to get me a wheely cart and brought that baby home. (I also recruited a
strong man in the parking lot to assist helpless weak lady : ) Thank you
stranger man.
Oh wait..that's not the best part. So a week later
I am back in Home depot...
and I see my Mirror is NOW only $60. Holy crap.
I happen to have my receipt and yes, they gave me
my $40 credit.
It's a great deal for a mirror this size and can i
tell you... I think this mirror is a little SLIMMING.(ie. makes you look thinner) I'm not kidding, extra perk. seems this is an In-store deal only. So hop to it.